Good news! There will be an audio book available for THE MYTH OF PERPETUAL SUMMER with the same release date as the print and e-book versions. Blackstone Audio is going to be producing it. I’ll share more details–such as narrator and the packaging, as they become available.
Whistling Past the Graveyard 3rd Printing
Whistling Past the Graveyard is headed toward its third hardcover printing at Gallery Books / Simon & Schuster!
We’ve been looking for first editions, and have not been able to come up with any, so if you find one, snap it up!
How can you tell if it’s a first edition? It’s easy. All first editions of Whistling Past the Graveyard are clearly marked “FIRST EDITION” on the publishing page (you know, the one with all the copyright stuff, library organizational information and that all publishing occurs in New York) that we never read because the narrative is really bad. For some reason not all books are marked in a similar fashion. Nobody seems to know why.
But you can also identify a first edition of Whistling from ten feet away. How? Look for the teal paper under the dust jacket.
Gallery Books was so excited about the release that they spent extra on some really nice teal paper that blends in well with the jacket artwork. They haven’t been able to get any more in time for the reprints, so the second editions are tan and we’re soon to find out what color the third editions will be.
Morning Surprise at the Simon & Schuster Office in NYC
Look what’s greeting everyone at the Simon & Schuster offices in New York!
Whistling Past the Graveyard Heads to Second Printing
Whistling Past the Graveyard Headed Back to the Printer
Before it’s even been released, the first printing of Whistling Past the Graveyard has sold out! There are probably still first editions to be had through Amazon, and more likely independent booksellers, but if you really want one, order it quick before they’ve all been shipped.
Bookstores on the Whistling Past the Graveyard release party and southern book tour should have first editions available at signings and readings as well.
Whistling Past the Graveyard Audio Book Coming July 2, 2013
Audio rights for Whistling Past the Graveyard have been sold to Dreamscape Audio for release July 2, 2013.
Susan is currently working with Dreamscape to cast voice talent for the audio book, which will be available on disc and download this summer!
New Book Deal for Susan Crandall
Susan Crandall’s next novel, WHISTLING PAST THE GRAVEYARD, was sold to to Karen Kosztolnyik at Gallery Books / Simon and Schuster, in a pre-empt, by Jennifer Schober of Spencerhill Associates (World). WHISTLING PAST THE GRAVEYARD, set in 1963 Mississippi about a nine-year-old white girl who runs away from home and finds an unlikely ally in a lonely black woman suffering from loss and abuse, and through a series of events, they embark on a Deep South road trip that leads to healing and self-discovery. The book is scheduled to be in bookstores summer 2013!